MA 122 Syllabus

Mathematics Department
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA 15705

Course Number:   MA 122

Course Title:    Calculus II for Business, Natural, and Social Sciences

Credits: 	 4 semester hours

Prerequisites:   MA 121

Textbook:        Applied Calculus, 3rd ed.
            	 by Dennis Berkey
           	 Saunders College Publishing

Revised: 	 4/96

Catalog Description:
Applications of integrals to business, natural, and social sciences, functions of several variables, trigonometric functions, sequences and series, numerical methods, differential equations.
Course Outline/Sample Time Schedule:

6.	Trigonometric Functions
	Please note that with the changes in the precalculus/college algebra 
	courses, this will not be a review once the new courses go 
	into effect.
	6.1	Radian Measure				(1 hour)
	6.2	The Sine and Cosine Functions		(2 hours)
	6.3	Derivatives of sin x and cos x		(2 hours)
	6.4	Integrals of Sine and Cosine		(1 hours)
	6.5	Other Trigonometric Functions		(2 hours)
7.	Techniques of Integration
	7.1	Review of Method of Substitutions	(1 hour)
	7.2	Integration by Parts			(1 hour)
	7.3	The Use of Integral Tables		(1 hour)
	7.4	Improper Integrals			(2 hours)
	7.5	Rules for Approximating Integrals	(1 hour)

8.	Functions of Several Variables
	8.1	Functions of Several Variables		(1 hour)
	8.2	Partial Derivatives			(2 hours)
	8.3	Relative Maxima and Minima		(2 hours)
	8.4	Optimization Problems with Constraints	(2 hours)
	8.6	The Method of Least Squares		(2 hour)
	8.8	Double Integrals			(2 hour)

9.	Infinite Series
	9.1	Infinite Sequences			(1 hour)
	9.2	Infinite Series				(1 hour)
	9.3	Tests for Convergence			(2 hours)
	9.4	The Ratio Test and Absolute Convergence	(2 hours)
	9.5	Taylor Polynomials			(2 hours)
	9.6	Taylor's Theorem			(2 hours)
	9.7	Taylor Series				(2 hours)
	9.8	Newton's Method (Optional)		(1 hour)

10.	Differential Equations
	10.1	Introduction to Differential Equations	(1 hour)
	10.2	Applications to Population Growth	(1 hour)
	10.3	Separation of Variables			(1 hour)
	10.4	Second Order Equations			(1 hour)
	10.5	Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (1 hour)
	10.6	Approximating Solutions to Differential Equations (1 hour)

11.	Applications to Probability Theory
	11.1	Discrete Probability Distributions	(2 hours)
	11.2	Continuous Probability Distributions	(1 hour)
	11.3	The Normal Probability Distribution	(1 hour)
	11.4	The Exponential Probability Distribution (1 hour)

This syllabus covers 49 hours of class time  This leaves 7 hours 
for tests and to devote extra time to topics that may give students 
difficulty, or to extra topics.

Note: If  you wish to use a graphing calculator in this course, 
you must notify the chairperson of the Service Courses Committee 
one semester in advance so that a note to this effect can be included 
in the Course Schedule for students.

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