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IUP Mathematics Courses for Fall 01

Prepared on September 05, 2001

DP   CRS SEC BANNER TITLE                CRD INSTRUCTOR            DAYS    TIME      BLD   RM
EDUC 242 043 10452C Pre-Student Tchg Cli 1.0 B J Lamberski             R   1500-1630 STRGT 302

EDUC 342 043 10454C Pre-Student Tchg Cli 1.0 J M Walker              T     0800-0900 STRGT 202

EDUC 421 083 11123T Student Teaching     6.0 J M Walker             MTWRF  NONE-NONE          

EDUC 441 083 11176T Student Teaching     2.0 J M Walker             MTWRF  NONE-NONE          

EDUC 456 001 10455C Tchg Math in Seconda 3.0 J M Walker              T R   0945-1115 STRGT 202

ELED 313 001 10444C Tchg Mathematics in  3.0 J R Myers              M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 302
         002 10445C Tchg Mathematics in  3.0 J D Baker               T R   0800-0930 STRGT 302
         003 10447C Tchg Mathematics in  3.0 J D Baker               T R   0945-1115 STRGT 302
         004 10449C Tchg Mathematics in  3.0 J L Gorman              T R   1130-1300 STRGT 302
         501 13676C Tchg Mathematics in  3.0 J R Myers                 R   0945-1245          

MATH 100 001 10243C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 M Polka                M W F  0800-0900 STRGT 232
         002 10244C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 A L Casagranda         M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 232
         003 10245C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 D A Balenovich         M W F  1030-1130 STRGT 231
         004 10246C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 A L Casagranda         M W F  1415-1515 STRGT 112
         005 10247C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 H L Lamparski          M W F  1530-1630 STRGT 333
         006 10248C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 G G Guth               M W    1645-1815 STRGT 229
         007 10249C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 C I Anderson           M W    1800-1930 STRGT 340
         009 10255C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 D A Burkett             T R   0945-1115 STRGT 333
         010 10257C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 D A Burkett             T R   1130-1300 STRGT 333
         011 10258C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 M Polka                 T R   1130-1300 STRGT 202
         012 10259C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 R E Early               T R   1315-1445 STRGT 333
         015 13848C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 M Polka                M W F  1145-1245 STRGT 329
         016 13876C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 J Broughton            M W F  0800-0900 STRGT 231
         201 13139C Intermediate Algebra 3.0 R E Early              M W F  1300-1400 ARM   207

MATH 101 001 10276C Foundations of Math  3.0 A L Casagranda         M W F  1145-1245 STRGT 232
         002 10278C Foundations of Math  3.0 A L Casagranda         M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 340
         003 10283C Foundations of Math  3.0 M J Bosse              M W F  1415-1515 STRGT 302
         004 10284C Foundations of Math  3.0 M J Bosse              M W F  1530-1630 STRGT 232
         005 10285C Foundations of Math  3.0 R J Frank              M W    1645-1815 STRGT 226
         006 10290C Foundations of Math  3.0 M E Kozoil              T R   0800-0930 STRGT 340
         007 10291C Foundations of Math  3.0 F E Alarcon             T R   0945-1115 STRGT 112
         008 10292C Foundations of Math  3.0 F E Alarcon             T R   1130-1300 STRGT 112
         009 10293C Foundations of Math  3.0 L L Tully               T R   1130-1300 STRGT 240
         010 10294C Foundations of Math  3.0 L L Tully               T R   1315-1445 STRGT 240
         011 10295C Foundations of Math  3.0 E A Walker              T R   1500-1630 STRGT 232
         012 10296C Foundations of Math  3.0 M Polka                 T R   1500-1630 STRGT 240
         013 10297C Foundations of Math  3.0 G E Mitchell            T R   1645-1815 STRGT 240
         014 10298C Foundations of Math  3.0 R E Early               T R   1645-1815 STRGT 232
         017 13804C Foundations of Math  3.0 M E Kozoil              T R   0945-1115 WEYDT 201
         018 13836C Foundations of Math  3.0 J J Lattanzio          M W F  1030-1130 STRGT 333
         201 13140C Foundations of Math  3.0 R E Early              M W F  1530-1630 ARM   207
         301 13129C Foundations of Math  3.0 R A Dubovsky           M W F  1415-1515 PUNX  22 
         302 13130C Foundations of Math  3.0 R A Dubovsky           M W F  0915-1015 PUNX  22 
         801 13707Y Foundations of Math  3.0 F E Alarcon                   NONE-NONE WEB      

MATH 105 001 10299C College Algebra      3.0 J H Steelman           M W F  0800-0900 STRGT 333
         002 10300C College Algebra      3.0 J H Steelman           M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 333
         003 10301C College Algebra      3.0 J H Steelman           M W F  1145-1245 STRGT 231
         004 10302C College Algebra      3.0 J J Lattanzio          M W F  1415-1515 STRGT 240
         005 10303C College Algebra      3.0 J J Lattanzio          M W F  1530-1630 STRGT 231
         007 10305C College Algebra      3.0 M J Bosse               T R   0800-0930 STRGT 232
         008 10306C College Algebra      3.0 M J Bosse               T R   0945-1115 STRGT 232

MATH 110 002 10310C Elementary Functions 3.0 J Broughton            M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 231
         003 10311C Elementary Functions 3.0 F A Adkins             M W F  1030-1130 STRGT 232
         004 10312C Elementary Functions 3.0 F A Adkins             M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 232
         201 13141C Elementary Functions 3.0 R E Early              M W F  1030-1130 ARM   207

MATH 117 001 10313C Principles of Math   3.0 M M Stempien            T R   0800-0930 STRGT 231
         002 10315C Principles of Math   3.0 M M Stempien            T R   0945-1115 STRGT 231

MATH 121 001 10319C Calculus I/ NatSci,S 4.0 P P Ray                MTW F  0800-0900 STRGT 327
         002 10321C Calculus I/ NatSci,S 4.0 J C Reber              MTW F  0915-1015 STRGT 327
         003 10323C Calculus I/ NatSci,S 4.0 J C Reber              MTW F  1030-1130 STRGT 327
         004 10325C Calculus I/ NatSci,S 4.0 P P Ray                MTW F  1145-1245 STRGT 327
         005 10351C Calculus I/ NatSci,S 4.0 M Y Shawer             MTWR   1300-1400 STRGT 229

MATH 122 001 10353C Calculus II/NatSci,S 4.0 P P Ray                MTW F  0915-1015 STRGT 226

MATH 123 001 10354C Calculus I/Physics,  4.0 G E Mitchell           MTW F  1030-1130 STRGT 226
         002 10355C Calculus I/Physics,  4.0 G E Mitchell           MTW F  1145-1245 STRGT 226
         004 10357C Calculus I/Physics,  4.0 H E Donley             MTW F  1415-1515 STRGT 226
         005 10358C Calculus I/Physics,  4.0 H E Donley             MTW F  1530-1630 STRGT 226

MATH 124 001 10359C Calculus II/Physics, 4.0 D A Balenovich         MTW F  1530-1630 STRGT 327
         002 10844C Calculus II/Physics, 4.0 D A Balenovich         MTW F  1415-1515 STRGT 327

MATH 151 001 10362C Elements of Math I   3.0 M M Stempien           M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 340
         002 10363C Elements of Math I   3.0 H L Lamparski          M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 202
         003 10364C Elements of Math I   3.0 M M Stempien           M W F  1030-1130 STRGT 302
         004 10365C Elements of Math I   3.0 H L Lamparski          M W F  1145-1245 STRGT 302
         005 10366C Elements of Math I   3.0 H L Lamparski          M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 302
         006 10367C Elements of Math I   3.0 J D Baker              M W    1415-1545 STRGT 340
         007 10368C Elements of Math I   3.0 W Whang                 T R   0945-1115 STRGT 340
         008 10370C Elements of Math I   3.0 L M Feldman             T R   1130-1300 STRGT 340
         009 10371C Elements of Math I   3.0 L M Feldman             T R   1315-1445 STRGT 340
         010 10372C Elements of Math I   3.0 J D Baker               T R   1315-1445 STRGT 302
         011 10374C Elements of Math I   3.0 W Whang                 T R   1500-1630 STRGT 340
         012 10375C Elements of Math I   3.0 W Whang                 T R   1645-1815 STRGT 340

MATH 152 001 10376C Elements of Math II  3.0 B J Lamberski          M W F  0800-0900 STRGT 340
         002 10378C Elements of Math II  3.0 B J Lamberski          M W F  1030-1130 STRGT 340
         003 10380C Elements of Math II  3.0 B J Lamberski          M W F  1145-1245 STRGT 340
         710 10561C Elements of Math II  3.0 J R Starmack            T R   1230-1345 CCAC     

MATH 171 001 10361C Intro Linear Algebra 3.0 J Broughton            M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 231

MATH 214 001 10387C Probability & Stats/ 3.0 F W Morgan             M W F  1030-1130 STRGT 240
         003 10391C Probability & Stats/ 3.0 C E Maier              M W F  1145-1245 STRGT 333
         004 10393C Probability & Stats/ 3.0 F W Morgan             M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 240
         005 10395C Probability & Stats/ 3.0 C E Maier              M W F  1415-1515 STRGT 333
         006 10396C Probability & Stats/ 3.0 M Y Shawer             M W    1530-1700 STRGT 240
         007 10398C Probability & Stats/ 3.0 M Y Shawer              T R   0800-0930 STRGT 240
         008 10400C Probability & Stats/ 3.0 M Y Shawer              T R   0945-1115 STRGT 240
         009 10401C Probability & Stats/ 3.0 R A Sandbothe           T R   1315-1445 STRGT 231

MATH 216 001 10384C Probability & Stats/ 4.0 D H Frank              MTWR   1300-1400 STRGT 226
         002 10385C Probability & Stats/ 4.0 D H Frank              MTWR   1530-1630 STRGT 329

MATH 217 001 10403C Intro to Probability 3.0 C I Anderson           M W F  0800-0900 STRGT 240
         003 10406C Intro to Probability 3.0 G S Stoudt             M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 112
         004 10408C Intro to Probability 3.0 C I Anderson           M W F  0915-1015 STRGT 240
         005 10410C Intro to Probability 3.0 G S Stoudt             M W F  1030-1130 STRGT 112
         006 10411C Intro to Probability 3.0 E A Walker             M W F  1145-1245 STRGT 112
         007 10420C Intro to Probability 3.0 C I Anderson           M W F  1145-1245 STRGT 240
         008 10421C Intro to Probability 3.0 E A Walker             M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 112
         010 10423C Intro to Probability 3.0 E A Walker             M W F  1530-1630 STRGT 112
         011 10424C Intro to Probability 3.0 C E Maier               T R   0800-0930 STRGT 112
         013 10426C Intro to Probability 3.0 J Zhang                 T R   1315-1445 STRGT 112
         301 13903C Intro to Probability 3.0 R A Dubovsky           M W F  1300-1400 PUNX  22 
         801 13708Y Intro to Probability 3.0 J Zhang                       NONE-NONE WEB      

MATH 219 001 10428C Discrete Mathematics 3.0 G M Buriok             M W F  0800-0900 STRGT 202

MATH 241 001 10431C Differential Equatio 3.0 G E Mitchell           M W F  1415-1515 STRGT 231

MATH 271 W01 10433C Intro Math Proofs I  3.0 J C Reber              M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 333

MATH 272 001 10434C Intro Math Proofs II 3.0 J H Steelman           M W F  1300-1400 STRGT 202

MATH 281 001 105911 Applied Math for Bus 4.0 F W Morgan             MTW F  0800-0900 STRGT 226
         003 105931 Applied Math for Bus 4.0 R A Sandbothe          M WRF  0915-1015 STRGT 329
         004 105941 Applied Math for Bus 4.0 R A Sandbothe          M WRF  1030-1130 STRGT 329
         006 105961 Applied Math for Bus 4.0 R J Frank              M WRF  1300-1400 STRGT 329
         007 105971 Applied Math for Bus 4.0 R J Frank              M WRF  1415-1515 STRGT 329

MATH 320 001 10436C Math Early Childhood 3.0 J R Myers              M W F  1030-1130 STRGT 202

MATH 350 W01 10437C History of Mathemati 3.0 J Broughton            M W    1530-1700 STRGT 202

MATH 353 001 10479C Theory of Numbers    3.0 D A Burkett            M W F  1415-1515 STRGT 202

MATH 355 001 10438C Foundations of Geome 3.0 G S Stoudt             M W F  1145-1245 STRGT 202

MATH 363 001 10511C Math Statistics I    3.0 J Zhang                 T R   1645-1815 STRGT 333

MATH 371 001 10439C Linear Algebra       3.0 J J Lattanzio          M W F  0800-0900 STRGT 302

MATH 417 001 10513C Statistical Applicat 3.0 F W Morgan             M W    1800-1930 STRGT 112

MATH 425 001 10520C Applied Math Ananlys 3.0 F A Adkins             M W    1645-1815 STRGT 232

MATH 447 001 10522C Simulation Models    3.0 D A Burkett             T R   1830-2000 STRGT 231

MATH 453 001 10441C Seminar: Teaching Ge 1.0 J M Walker              T     1315-1445 STRGT 202

MATH 457 001 10525C Number Theory for Te 3.0 J L Gorman                R   1720-2020 STRGT 302

MATH 459 001 10538C Technology in Sch Ma 3.0 W Whang                  W    1720-2020 STRGT 302

MATH 460 001 10440C Technology in Math I 3.0 J M Walker              T R   1500-1630 STRGT 112

MATH 471 001 10529C Basic Concepts of Al 3.0 B J Lamberski           T     1720-2020 STRGT 302

MATH 476 001 10534C Abstract Algebra I   3.0 F E Alarcon            M W    1645-1815 STRGT 231

MATH 525 001 10521C Appl Mathematical An 3.0 F A Adkins             M W    1645-1815 STRGT 232

MATH 547 001 10524C Simulation Models    3.0 D A Burkett             T R   1830-2000 STRGT 231

MATH 553 001 10496C Theory of Numbers    3.0 D A Burkett            M W F  1415-1515 STRGT 202

MATH 563 001 10512C Mathematical Statist 3.0 J Zhang                 T R   1645-1815 STRGT 333

MATH 571 001 10510C Linear Algebra       3.0 J J Lattanzio          M W F  0800-0900 STRGT 302

MATH 576 001 10536C Abstract Algebra I   3.0 F E Alarcon            M W    1645-1815 STRGT 231

MATH 655 001 10839C Projective Geometry  3.0 G S Stoudt              T R   1645-1815 STRGT 231

MATH 665 001 10443C Applied Regression A 3.0 D H Frank              M W    1645-1815 STRGT 333

MATH 681 001 108141 Numerical Analysis   3.0 F A Adkins             M W    1830-2000 STRGT 232

MATH 698 001 13875N Internship           6.0 D A Burkett                   NONE-NONE          


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